Wedding Planing Tips

3 Steps to Writing Heartfelt Wedding Vows

Emotional groom reading vows at an Emmanuelle Weddings event

April 27, 2024

Je suis Emmanuelle!
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For over 14 years, I’ve had the privilege of helping numerous couples plan their weddings. Expressing vulnerability in front of a group is a challenge for some. If you feel apprehensive, know that you’re not alone. I’m here to reassure you: everything will be fine! It’s important to express your emotions, as that’s where the true beauty of this precious moment lies. If you’re uncomfortable, discuss it with your partner and consider having the officiant guide you through the vows.

To assist you in writing your vows, I recommend a 3-step model I’ve observed from listening to my clients unite over the years. Above all, your vows should reflect your personality, and mutual love and respect that you are cultivating. Draw inspiration from your experiences and those of my previous clients to personalize them.

Address your partner directly, making eye contact. It’s okay to read from paper while maintaining connection.

The 3-step model

Step 1 – Begin by sharing your vision of ideal love

Imagine the qualities and attributes that are essential to you in a fulfilling relationship. Before meeting your partner, what did you hope to find in a relationship?

Qualities and attributes essential in a fulfilling relationship encompass trust, respect, communication, empathy, and shared values. Trust forms the foundation, allowing partners to be vulnerable and open with each other. Respect ensures that each person’s feelings, opinions, and boundaries are valued. Effective communication fosters understanding and helps resolve conflicts constructively. Empathy enables partners to connect emotionally, supporting each other through life’s challenges. Shared values create alignment in goals and priorities, leading to a sense of unity and purpose.

Next, Step 2 – Tell your unique story

This is where you share the captivating story of your life spent together, where the highlight was the moment you both knew you had found your soulmate. Share that story, that raw emotion, that situation, that moment, in a way that transports your loved ones into your world.

Describe how you met and the feelings that developed during that time. Reflect on the journey of falling in love, the moments that solidified your connection, and the joy you found in each other’s company. Share what activities you enjoy doing together and highlight what makes your relationship special and deeply meaningful.

Express why you trust the relationship. Describe the experiences and moments that have built a strong foundation of trust between you and your partner.

Additionally, reflect on how your partner helps you become a better person. Describe how they uplift and inspire you, encouraging personal growth and resilience. Share stories of how they supported you during difficult times, lifting you up when you fell and guiding you through life’s challenges with love and unwavering support.

Step 3 – Express your commitment

Make sincere and meaningful promises, using words that reflect your dedication and love.

Examples to inspire you:

  • I promise to be faithful to our relationship, cherishing the bond we share and remaining steadfast in my love for you.
  • I promise to support you in all your endeavors, standing by your side through every triumph and challenge, and encouraging you to reach for your dreams.
  • I promise to communicate openly and honestly with you, listening with an open heart and working together to resolve any conflicts that may arise.
  • I promise to always treat you with respect, valuing your opinions, feelings, and boundaries, and honoring the unique person that you are.
  • I promise to be your comfort in times of upset, your strength in times of weakness, and your joy in moments of celebration.
  • I promise to grow with you, both individually and as a couple, embracing change and learning from our experiences as we journey through life together.
  • Above all, I promise to love you unconditionally, to cherish every moment we share, and to be your partner, your confidant, and your best friend, today and always.

Remember, authenticity and sincerity are key to unforgettable wedding vows. Let your heart speak and share your deepest feelings; it will make beautiful memories and photos! 🙂

Thanks to Authentik Weddings for the picture!

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