Wedding Planing Tips

How Big is a Big Wedding?

A bride dancing surrounded by her guests.

April 20, 2024

Je suis Emmanuelle!
Let me simplify your wedding planning in Quebec or on the Riviera Maya!

Welcome, dear couples!

Planning your dream wedding is an exciting journey, and I’m here to guide you through it with expertise and care.

Let’s delve into the essential first step of creating your dream wedding: achieving harmony between your financial comfort zone and your guest list.

Respecting your comfort zone

Your wedding is a significant occasion, filled with love and anticipation. Naturally, you want to share it with everyone dear to you! However, the costs of bringing your dream wedding to life can be underestimated, especially for those new to large-scale event planning. Therefore, it’s wise to hold off on spreading the news until you’ve solidified your plans. Setting realistic expectations from the start ensures that your vision aligns seamlessly with your resources, leading to a worry-free and joyous experience.

Crafting a financial plan

One of the key aspects of a successful wedding is a well-thought-out financial plan. Discussing all financial aspects upfront, ideally before signing any contracts, is paramount. This proactive approach establishes a clear global wedding budget, ensuring you’re fully aware of the total cost and enabling you to create a stress-free plan for an enjoyable experience for all involved.

For example, if you had planned to allocate a specific amount for flowers, when it’s time to visit the florist, you can relax and enjoy the process, knowing that your comfort zone is known and will be respected.

The guest list dilemma

Many couples face the initial challenge of deciding who to invite, a decision that impacts various aspects of the event.

When managing your budget, regardless of its scale, a highly effective approach is to trim your guest list to include only your closest loved ones. Each guest significantly impacts wedding costs, from venue size to food and beverage expenses, and even seating arrangements.

  • Elopement: typically involves just the couple getting married, sometimes with a handful of very close family members or friends. Guest count ranges from 2 to 10, with the focus on intimacy and simplicity.
  • Intimate Wedding: this usually includes around 20 to 80 guests, consisting of immediate family and close friends. It allows for a more personal and relaxed atmosphere while still having a modest guest presence.
  • Big Wedding: a larger celebration with over 100 guests, often including extended family, friends, and sometimes colleagues. It requires a larger venue to accommodate everyone comfortably. Marquee events are good options, providing flexibility and a customizable space that can suit large gatherings beautifully.

Trimming down your guest list opens up possibilities to select a cozy venue, enabling a personalized and immersive experience that resonates with your vision, regardless of your group size and budget.

Why adjusting the guest list matters

  • Budget alignment: each guest contributes to wedding costs, including venue size requirements, food and beverage expenses, and seating arrangements.
  • Intimate experience: couples with a smaller guest group appear more relaxed on their wedding day, enjoying each other’s company and the refined atmosphere.
  • Luxurious touches: aligning the guest list with your budget creates more financial flexibility for adding fancy touches to your wedding celebration.

Making adjustments

If budget-conscious, consider eloping for a unique and fun experience!

Otherwise, start by identifying must-have guests like immediate family and close friends. Expand the list to include the next circle of relationships until you reach your capacity. Prioritizing your financial comfort zone ensures a wedding that reflects your values and style, leaving you with no regrets. Remember, what truly matters is you and your love.

Possible solution

Consider inviting more guests to join your wedding evening party if you’re getting married in your hometown. Ensure thorough planning to avoid any discomfort during the event, such as late-night guests arriving before dinner ends due to potential delays.


Balancing your budget and guest list empowers you to create a beautiful luxurious wedding aligned with your vision and financial reality.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at if you need help with budgeting your wedding in Quebec City or Riviera Maya, and stay tuned for more insights and tips on crafting your perfect wedding experience!



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